Last week one of my older sisters (I have several) posted on Facebook about a game just about everyone has played at sometime in their lifetime, in one form or another. The original game dates back to who knows when and was developed in India. It was called Snakes and Ladders, most commonly known now as Chutes and Ladders... because obviously Snakes are just too scary for today's parents.
Reminded of this game, I decided to toss on old Snakes and Ladders board up at my Temporal Museum (Red Light Center/Utherverse - basically adults only social setting virtual world, with far too much "Adult" - aka Porn - advertising for my taste, but much easier that dealing with Second Life). Problem is, unknown to me, on of my friends in that world already had a Snakes and Ladders game up at their Rec Center.
So, I came up with a solution, a version of the game with a Science Fiction twist. While I can't believe no one else has done this, if it's out there I haven't come across it... I present to you: Wormholes and Singularities:

Rules are the same as regular old Snakes and Ladders, or Chutes and Ladders if you prefer. You start off the board, entering square # 1 using one 6 sided die to move. Instead of sliding down the snakes/chutes, you get sucked thru a black hole. Rather than climbing ladders, you shoot through wormholes.
If anyone knows of this style of board already being produced, please let me know. I'd love to see it.